From the Blog
How Well Do You Know Allah?
Why is it so important to study the Names of Allah? In this short video, Sh. Omar Suleiman explains how each of Allah’s Names is a path to know Him, and discusses how we should build these Names into our lives.
Brand New Community!
As Salaamu Alaikum Ya’ll! Have you heard? There’s a whole new community for this project! In the past, we have always hosted this project in two places, my Creative Motivations website...
Day 2: Ar-Raheem
A Special Kind of Mercy Allah’s Name, Ar-Raheem, means The Especially Merciful. This divine Name of Allah is mentioned in the Quran and conveys His boundless mercy and compassion towards His creation. Ar-Raheem showers His mercy upon believers, offering them...
Day 3: Al-Malik
Allah’s Name, Al-Malik, reminds us of Allah’s Kingship, Ownership, and Authority over all of creation. In today’s Action Challenge, you will learn how you can be a better authority over the things Allah puts under your care and learn a special duaa.
Challenge: Al-Malik
We must learn to humble ourselves before the Allah praising Him in a manner that befits His glory. Check out this week’s Action Challenge to learn how recognizing and praising Allah by this Name can bring incredible rewards!
Challenge: Ar-Raheem
Allah’s Name, Ar-Raheem, focuses upon His very special mercy for the believers. Check out today’s Action Challenge to help you gain a greater share of Allah’s mercy and to help you develop stronger Taqwa, insha’Allah.
Challenge: Ar-Rahmaan
Learn to live Allah’s Name, Ar-Rahmaan, by completing a Challenge Activity! Today, you will go out and observe Allah’s mercy in three different areas, then reflect upon it in a journal, write a poem, construct a short story, or draw a picture.
Day 5: As-Salaam
A Special Kind of Mercy Allah’s Name, As-Salaam means The Perfection & Giver of Peace. This beautiful Name of Allah is mentioned in the Quran and signifies that Allah is the ultimate Source of peace and tranquility. As-Salaam brings peace to the hearts of...
Keep this Project Alive!
It takes thousands of hours to produce this free content and this site is very expensive to run (hosting, security, plugins, subscriptions, etc). I invite you to share in the reward and donate today.