2021 Project Relaunch!

As Salaamu Alaikum Everyone, Well, I know it’s been a couple years. A lot has happened in my life and there are still some big changes happening, as we speak. But I’ve decided it’s time. You all have been messaging me for years, asking me to relaunch the 99 Names Project. I’ve been longing to finish it and even create the kids version at some point, but life has always just gotten in the way. We are a few days late… and as you can see, I’ve launched a whole new site rather than using my www.creative-motivations.com site in order to keep the project focused and not confuse anyone about my shop reopening (it is not currently). So it’s taken me a while to get everything set up. I am asking you all to make sincere duaa that we finish this year and then, perhaps next year, I can launch the kids version with Tariq the Tiger, insha’Allah. For now, let’s try to get to 99 together. What CAN you expect? I will pre-schedule the posts to go up each day. Every week there are quizzes. Every 3 weeks there are comprehensive exams. I will occasionally post action challenges. I will provide various free worksheets you can download. I will posts occasional blog posts that reflect and dig deeper into related topics. I will try to keep the forum engaging and active, as best I can (could use some help here). Each name will have tons of resources to dig Read More