Challenge: Ar-Raheem

Seeking Allah’s Special Mercy

Allah’s Name, Ar-Raheem, emphasizes His mercy specifically for the believers and particularly in the Hereafter. Allah gives us various ways to increase His mercy upon us… all these are exemplified by being stronger, more dedicated believers. Allah says: “…and obey Allah and His Messenger so that you all may receive Mercy [3:132].” This mercy is only reserved for those who try their best to hold on to the guidelines, prohibitions, and commandments mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. “And this is a book, We have sent it down as one blessed, so follow it and fear Allah so that you all may receive Mercy [6:155].” Amongst the many methods that Allah reveals for us to receive His mercy are two that are simple and yet very powerful. The prophet (saw) said,

“May Allah have mercy on one who prays four raka’aat before the ‘asr Prayer [At-Tirmidhi].”

….and Allah revealed in the Quran,

“And when the Quran is recited, listen to it with attention, that you may receive mercy [Quran, 7:204]. 

Both of these simple acts are a means to develop greater Taqwa (awareness of Allah) and increase His mercy upon you. Today you will take 10-15 minutes to perform these two recommended acts. Here are some tips…

1. When you make wudhu, do so slowly and with intention, considering how the water of wudhu washes your sins away and how great Allah’s mercy is that He sent the Messenger (saw) to teach us this beautiful act of purification.

2. When you stand for prayer, do so with intention, quieting your mind, taking your time, and hoping for Allah’s acceptance of this act of worship. 

3. After your prayer, sit for the remaining 5-10 minutes and listen to Surah Ar-Rahmaan or any Surah you prefer. Sit quietly and do not multi-task while listening. If Arabic is not your first language, be sure you listen to a recitation with translation so that you may reflect upon the meaning of the words. 


Ready to Take it a Step Further?

After performing the three acts above, take a moment and reflect upon your experience. When was the last time you prayed with real intention? Have you ever considered the incredible mercy Allah has bestowed upon you by choosing YOU amongst millions of people to be a believer? What might your life be like without this mercy and guidance? Let’s try to build a habit to secure Allah’s mercy in our lives! Set a reminder to listen to Quran everyday this week for just 10 minutes, and sit quietly reflecting upon the verses for 5 minutes after. 


What Surah did you listen to? What are your take-aways from this experience?
SHARE your reflections in the community forum!  

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