Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below a list of frequently asked questions about the project. If your question is not answered here, feel free to reach out. However, please know that it can take some time to respond to inquiries and if your question is already answered below, you will not receive a response. I hope you find this information helpful. Jazakallahu Khairan for your interest in the project.

Are you using the authentic Quran & Sunnah for your explanations?

Yes, as with all of our products and materials, we use only authentic resources (Quran, Sunnah, explanations by reputable scholars, and texts based upon the same) in the making of our graphics/explanations in the 99 Names Card Sets. We have been especially cautious to avoid weak ahadith and unverified resources or explanations, for fear of spreading any false information or misguidance, insha’Allah. Please review “The Resources” above for more info.

Where did you get your list of names?

Our list of names is based upon the 99 Names of Allaah mentioned in Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen’s Al-Qawaa`id Al-Muthlaa, which were all derived from the authentic Quran and Sunnah. There is a very popular list of names circulating that is based upon a weak hadith, we avoided this list, despite its popularity, in our commitment to providing only authentic information to our customer base and followers.

Why are the names out of order?

There is, in fact, no authentic “order” to the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah. The order often cited (and seen on many posters and recited in various nasheeds) comes from a weak hadith, which claims to list the full ninety-nine names, but has been discredited for various reasons, namely: -The list is mudraj from one of the narrators according to the expert traditionalists as stated by Ibn Kathir, ibn Hajar, and al-San’ani. -All the most reliable narrators make no mention of it. -It is missing many Names which are mentioned in the Quran or authentic ahadith. -Some of the Names mentioned in this particular hadith are not mentioned elsewhere and/or are highly disputed. Because of this, this hadith has been judged weak by many hadith scholars such as al-Tirmidhi himself, al-Nawawi, ibn Hajar, ibn Taymiyyah, ibn al-Qayyim, ibn Kathir, al-San’ani and others. Because there is no “list” or “order” provided elsewhere, and we do not use weak or fabricated resources for our materials, we do not follow any strict order in our project. We do try to group similar names together for ease of learning and follow the general grouping most commonly seen in our resources.

What scholars have compiled lists of Allah’s Names?

Some of the scholars who have compiled lists of Allah’s Names: -Sufyan b. Uyaynah (entirely from the Quran) -Al-Tabari -Ibn Hazm (partial list) -Al-Qurtubi -Ibn Hajar (entirely from the Quran) -Ibn Uthaymeen (This is our source) -Al-Qahtani/Bin Baz -Muhammad al-Hamud al-Najdi

What is the importance of learning the beautiful Names of Allah?

Knowing the Beautiful Names of Allaah is very important indeed, for the following reasons: Knowledge of Allaah and His Names and Attributes is the noblest and best of all knowledge, because the level of honour of any kind of knowledge has to do with the object of knowledge, and the object of knowledge in this case is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, through His Names, Attributes and Deeds. Occupying oneself with seeking this knowledge and studying it properly is the pursuit of the highest objective, and acquiring this knowledge is one of the best gifts a person may be given.

Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained it very clearly and was very keen to do so, the Sahaabah never disputed in this matter as they did over some of the rulings (ahkaam). Knowing Allaah makes a person love and fear Him, and put his hope in Him, and be sincere towards Him in his actions. This is the essence of human happiness. There is no way to know Allaah except by knowing His Most Beautiful Names and seeking a proper understanding of their meanings. Knowing Allaah by His Most Beautiful Names increases one’s faith, as Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Sa’di (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Believing in and knowing the Most Beautiful Names of Allaah includes the three types of Tawheed: Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (Unity of Divine Lordship), Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (Unity of the Divine Nature) and Tawheed al-Asma’ wa’l-Sifaat (Unity of the Divine Names and Attributes).

These three types of Tawheed form the essence and joy of faith (the word translated here as “joy” implies peace and relief from stress), and this knowledge is the basis and purpose of faith. The more a person learns about the Names and Attributes of Allaah, the more his faith increases and the stronger his conviction becomes.” (Al-Tawdeeh wa’l-Bayaan li Shajarat al-Eemaan by al-Sa’di, p. 41). Allaah created His creatures to know Him and worship Him. This is what is expected from them and what they are required to do, because as Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The key to the call of the Messengers, the essence of their Message, is knowing Allaah through His Names and Attributes and Deeds, because this is the foundation on which the rest of the Message, from beginning to end, is built.” (Al-Sawaa’iq al-Mursalah ‘ala al-Jahamiyyah wa’l-Mu’attilah by Ibn al-Qayyim, 1/150-151).

So when a person occupies himself with learning about Allaah, he is doing what he was created for, but if he ignores the matter, he is neglecting what he was created for. The meaning of faith is not merely to utter words without knowing Allaah, because true faith in Allaah means that the slave knows the Lord in Whom he believes, and he makes the effort to learn about Allaah through His Names and Attributes. The more he learns about his Lord, the more he increases in faith. Knowledge of the Names of Allaah is the basis for all other knowledge, as Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Knowledge of the Most Beautiful Names of Allaah is the basis of all other kinds of knowledge, for the objects of all these other branches of knowledge were either created or commanded by Him (the various branches of knowledge either deal with objects created by Him or with the laws and guidance revealed by Him).

The reason for creation and guidance is found in His Most Beautiful Names (because He is the Creator, He creates things; because He is the Guide to the Straight Path, He reveals guidance, and so on)… Knowing the Most Beautiful Names is the basis of all objects of knowledge, because all knowledge stems from these Names…” (Bada’i’ al-Fawaa’id by Ibn al-Qayyim, 1/163). From the book Asma’ Allaah al-Husnaa, pp. 6-8.

Is there any evidence that you are supposed to chant or repeat certain names of Allah for some benefit?

The practice of chanting or repeating “Allah,” “Huwa (He),” or particular Names of Allah a set number of times is a bid’ah (innovation) and is neither permissible nor beneficial. There are several duaas found in both the Quran and authentic Sunnah that include specific Names of Allah in their wording, duaas that we are encouraged to use. There are also several ahadith that explain methods of making dhikr by repeating PHRASES like “Al hamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, etc” a certain number of times. However, neither of these sources recommend simply repeating Allah’s Name (s) by itself, a set number of times to garner a specific result. Again, this is an innovation. Read more about this subject here:

Can I buy the card set?

Our shop is currently closed (January 2021), so we cannot offer any physical products at this time. There may be resellers still carrying them, but we wouldn’t be able to tell you where to locate them.

Can I get a PDF digital download of the card set or graphics?

We do not offer PDF downloads of the card sets, whether for personal, institutional, educational, or other purposes. However, parents are welcome to print the graphics, one by one, directly off our website to use with their family / children. Teachers may also print the graphics in the same manner for use in the classroom, as long as the graphics are not altered and proper credit is given when used in a public space (such as in a classroom, masjid, program, etc). This excludes using the graphics to add to larger bodies of work, such as workbooks, textbooks, etc. for wider distribution.

Can I use your graphics for a project and edit them slightly?

No. Our graphics are copyrighted and took several years of diligent research and design work to produce. In order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of our work, we do not give permission for any person, company, institution, or organization to copy, edit, alter, or reproduce our graphics for any purpose whatsoever. There are many resources online for the 99 Names of Allah. If you are in need of such resources, a simple google search should suffice. Additionally, you are welcome to use the RESOURCES that we provide create your own original 99 Names graphics or products. But the wording, style, and design on the graphics seen on this site are copyrighted and cannot be used without our express permission.

Individuals who copy and utilize our work without attribution/credit and permission will be banned from the project for life, added to a blacklist, and publicly reported on our site as someone violating our legal and Islamic rights and stealing our work. Individuals or companies who copy our work to sell will be pursued for legal action against them.

What about the Kids Program?

Our Tariq Teaches Program has not been completed. We have shared 4 Names only and we hope to complete this project next year (2022) so that children have the same engaging experience that adults have in connecting with and building a relationship with Allah. For now, only the 4 Names are available, the remaining designs have not been completed.

How can I get in touch if my question isn’t answered here?

If you have additional questions about the project, card set, or graphics provided via the web, please use the “Contact Us” link to send us a message, insha’Allah. It will take time to get back with you. I appreciate your patience!

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