How Well Do You Know Allah?

How well do you know Allah? Why is it so important for us to study Allah’s Names? In this short video Sh. Omar Suleiman shares important insights about connecting with Allah through His Names. When we learn and live by one of Allah’s Names it is a path of connection in growing nearer to Him. With each Name we learn, the more we come to know, understand, and love Allah and develop a stronger connection and relationship with Him.

For every situation, there is a Name of Allah that is most appropriate to call upon with… when you are worried about finances, you may use Ar-Razzaaq – The Provider, when you are feeling unloved, you may call upon Al-Wadood – The Most Loving. Each Name is a unique path that draws us nearer to Allah, so we must strive to learn each Name and travel each path. Lastly, we must strive to emulate the human companion of Allah’s Names and Attributes, i.e. Allah is Ar Rahmaan – The Most Merciful, so we must strive to have mercy and these efforts will draw us nearer to Allah.