
All Hail the King

Allah’s Name, Al-Malik, means The King & Owner of Dominion. Allah calls Himself Al-Malik— The King and Owner of Dominion— on five occasions in the Quran. He is the King, the owner and ruler of the whole creation. Al-Malik gives authority to whomever He wants in this world, and He has supreme authority and is ruled by no one!

Describing an amazing and humbling moment on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet (saw) said: Allah will grasp the earth and fold up the heavens with His Right Hand and proclaim, “I Am the King! Where are the kings of the earth? Where are the tyrants? Where are the arrogant?” [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] No one will speak and the kings and rulers of this world will be left with none of their “power.”

We can strive to live by this Name by seeking recognizing our position beneath Allah, and exercising justice in our authority over others.  

Source: Understand Quran

Ready to Learn More? Click the Tabs!

Learning Allah’s Names is NOT about memorization. The goal is to understand the Names deeply and to live by that knowledge in your everyday life. Knowledge of Allah’s Names should transform your heart, your mind, your manners, your actions… even the way you think and interpret the world. Click the tabs below to being to learn these Names in greater depth. May Allah bless you in your journey!

Explained in depth by tayyibaat.wordpress.com

Al-Malik Explained


Malik is the One who executes His command in His possession. Every malik (king) is not able to execute their amr (will). Malik is the one who owns and also has authority and command. The one to whom the amr (commanding) and nahy (forbidding) belong too. Only Allah has the power to command and forbid, He has the action and the word (kun, fa yakoon–be and it is). According to ibn Qayyim, Malik is the One who rules by His words, command and the One who gives the hukm (ruling). …more.


An Explanation + How to Apply it to your life by Understand Quran Academy:

The Answer is Ar-Raheem!

The Names Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem are two of the names of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala which refer to Allah’s attribute of mercy. This is why these names are called”soft” names. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala chose these names to start every Surah of the Quran except one. The name Ar-Raheem refers to the action or the effect of this intense mercy on creation.

The form Ar-Raheem indicates repetition in the Arabic language. It indicates how this mercy encompasses creatures. An example is given: imagine a shower of blessings, and imagine the shower as very intense and continuous. Allah is the intense and the continuous merciful! …more.


Explanation+ How to Live by this Name

Understand Quran Academy


Malik, Maalik and Maleek all come from the root maa-laa-kaa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to have possession and ownership. The second is to have power and ability and the third main meaning is to control and have authority.  …more.



Duaas using the name Al-Malik from Duas.com: Al-Malik

Includes duas in Arabic, English, and Transliteration + Sources

Dua when waking up at night #3:
Aisha (ra) said: he -i.e. the prophet (saw)- used to say upon waking up [at night]:
Allah is the Greatest (10 times).
All Praise is for Allah (10 times);
How far from imperfections Allah is and I praise Him (10 times);
How far from imperfections The King, and The Holy One is (10 times);
I ask Allah for forgiveness (10 times);
None has the right to be worshipped except Allah (10 times); then he would say:

O Allah, I seek refuge with you from the hardships of this world, and the hardships of the day of resurrection (10 times) ...then he would commence the prayer.


Other Du’aas using the Name, Al-Malik:

After the opening takbeer in prayer #3
After the opening takbeer in prayer #6
After finishing the prayer with salaam #5
In the morning and evening #11
Dua and remembrance before sleeping #1
After finishing the witr prayer
Dua when waking up at night #3

Bilal Philips Video series explaining the name, Al-Malik, in detail:

Video 1 of 1:


 Sheikh Suhaib Hasan explaining the Name, Al-Malik, and others, in detail:
Video 1 of 1:

Dr. Ahsan Hanif explaining the Name, Al-Malik, and others, briefly:
Video 1 of 1:

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  • Interactive Games: Coming Soon!
  • Downloads: Coming soon!
  • Kids Content: Coming soon!

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