Challenge: Al-Malik

Recognizing The King & Obeying His Laws

Allah’s Name, Al Malik, reflects His power, ownership and authority over all of creation. Often, we can become arrogant and feel ourselves superior over other people, whether in wealth, beauty, status, intelligence, power, popularity or even piety. However, we must realize that we are all lowly before Allah, and He alone is the One who gives authority and is the One who can take it away. The prophet (saw) said,

“Allah will grasp the earth and fold up the heavens with His Right Hand and proclaim, I Am the King! Where are the kings of the earth? Where are the tyrants? Where are the arrogant? [Al-Bukhari, Muslim]”

On this day, no one will speak and the kings and rulers of this world will be left without any of the power they thought they possessed. While Allah is Al-Malik over everything in existence, you also have power or authority over someone or something and YOU are responsible for whatever you have authority over. Allah puts all of us in a position of authority at some point in our lives, and we will be held accountable for it. So we must strive to exercise our authority with justice, mercy, kindness, honor and humility – whether that authority is over our spouses, children, siblings, employees, or even animals – we must always remind ourselves that we will be held accountable for our choices by the King on the Day of Judgement.

Today, you have three action challenges to choose from. One that will help you be a better authority over the people or creatures Allah has placed under your care, another that will help you gain humility in light of your lowliness before Allah, and a third that will help you gain reward by reflecting upon Allah’s power and authority. 

1. Identify 1 area where you hold authority and write it down. This might be a spouse, child or sibling you are responsible for, or a pet or animal you must care for. Now write down 3 ways you might sometimes abuse your authority – then 3 ways you can change that behavior to be more just and merciful.  For example, if you have authority over a pet, do you always feed the pet on-time? Do you become frustrated when your pet needs attention and you’re busy with another task? Do you always speak to it kindly and lovingly or do you yell at it and call it bad names? Consider areas where you may be abusing your authority, and work to improve in the manners you’ve identified, and always remember to fear Allah regarding the things He puts under your care. 

2. Can you name three things that you are sometimes secretly arrogant about? Perhaps you feel you’re more attractive than some other people, or you are more pious or knowledgeable, maybe you’re more athletic or popular amongst your friends. Reflect on these areas where your humility has room to grow and consider whether these are really something you earned and developed or whether this is just something Allah has given to you and you’ve become very proud about. What would it mean if Allah took these things away? Would you still be better than other people? Remember that your true worth and value is only through obedience to Allah, and one day He may remove these qualities from you, so it’s better to be humble and have gratitude than to be proud and arrogant. 

3. Recite this special duaa. The Prophet (saw) said,

“Whoever says: ‘La ilaha il Allahu waHadu, la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulk, wa lahul Hamdu, wa huwa ‘alaa kuli shayyin Qadeer – None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.” 100 times he will receive the reward of freeing ten slaves, one hundred hasanaat will be written for him and one hundred misdeeds will be washed away. He will be shielded from shaytan until the evening. No one will be able to present anything better than this except for someone who recited more than this. [Al-Bukhari, Muslim]

Recite this duaa 100 times today. A good way to keep count is to just do 20 after each salaat. This special duaa recognizes Allah’s Kingship over all things and seeks to place the worshipper in a place of humility by recognizing Allah’s sovereignty. 

Ready to Take it a Step Further?

After reflecting on the points above, write out a plan for how you can improve yourself as a person in position of authority over others. Create steps and a timeline for this improvement and share it with the group for accountability.  

Do you think anyone struggles in the same areas as you?
SHARE your reflections in the community forum!  

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